Posted by Rachel Fung on Saturday, April 4th, 2020 6:23pm.
April 4th, 2020
-Rachel Fung
As a Realtor®, mother, wife and daughter, I take your family's safety very seriously. Out of an abundance of caution my brokerage, MaxWell Polaris, has prepared the following list of suggestions and precautions that we/you can take while we shop for your new home given the evolving situation with COVID-19.
When selecting homes to view in-person, I qualify the homes by:
I will also provide you with your own tour sheets so that you do not need to take any from the homes we visit. Do not set sheets down and consider making notes once you have returned to your vehicle.
I will be bringing hand sanitizer with us to use before and after we enter each home. Please wear socks to all showings.
When viewing a home, touch as little as possible unless it is necessary to properly tour the property. Allow me to open doors and turn on lights as required using disposable gloves.
Please refrain from using the washrooms in the seller's home
Write and review any offers with me using video conferencing, so we can still work through the terms and conditions together. I will request that documents be signed electronically from your own device.
Please also advise me if you are anyone in your family who is ill or has symptoms of illness, has travelled outside of the country, or has been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed.
Together we can find your dream home safely!