Posted by Rachel Fung on Saturday, April 4th, 2020 5:58pm.
I take you and your family's safety very seriously. Out of an abundance of caution my office, MaxWell Polaris, has prepared the following list of suggestions and precautions that we can take while we market your home for sale given the evolving situation with COVID-19.
When preparing for showings, open all doors within the home and leave lights on.
Consider providing hand sanitizer at the entrance of your home.
We encourage you to not be home, this helps buyers feel more comfortable.
Come in and look around but kindly refrain from using bathrooms
Leave the lights on. Remember that I can take great photos and virtual tours are a fantastic way for a Buyer to tour your home from the comfort of theirs.
Virtual Open Houses allow me to host a Live Stream and have potential buyers engage remotely while touring the home and asking questions.
Consider offering your home for showing during specific time blocks or lumping showings together to reduce any cleaning/sanitizing you may want to do after a showing.
Finally, Post a ‘Welcome Notice’ at the entrance of your home that encourages Buyers to:
If either you or I need to go into self isolation, we can elect to review any offers using video conferencing so we can still work through the terms and conditions together. You even have the option to have documents signed electronically from your own device.
Advise me if you or anyone in your family is ill or has symptoms of illness, has travelled outside of the country, or has been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed.
Together, we can still get your home sold safely!